Thursday, May 29, 2008

Left Behind.......

Dear (insert name),

debo of suburbia

So, I heard about this website on the radio that I find very amusing. Some are disturbed by it, but for some reason, it's just hysterical to me. Maybe it's my sick mind. The website is for people to leave letters, bank info and other important information (trusts and such) to people left behind after the rapture. For a small yearly fee, people will be e-mailed the info left for them 6 days after the rapture takes place. The e-mails are sent based on a safeguard of several people they have located around the country not logging in for 3 days, then another 3 day safety net after that. Someone has come up with a good way to make money!!

Don't want the Anti-Christ getting your "stuff" do you?? Better sign up quick!

Now, it's not that I don't believe in the rapture, because I do, it's just the whole idea of this site and the fact that someone is using this to play on peoples' fears to make money that I find funny. I think the thing I find most funny is the very real probability of people doing this then being among those "left behind". Boy, would they be embarrassed! They'd also have a whole lot of passwords and credit cards #'s to change now that everyone they listed would have their info. :O


Anonymous said...

I have a vague memory of some people in the White House who believed (seriously) that 6 June 2006 (666) would be the Rapture. I found this article from that day. This is NOT a joke article. If these idiots spent as much time on Iraq, economy, environment, education, Katrina, etc as they do on nonsense like this, Chimpy might be over 28%. By the way, I'll take your TV and cash. Thanks in advance.

6/06/06 Among high-ranking officials in the Bush administration there is growing concern that today could be President Bush's last day on earth. The reason: '666' is the sign of the Antichrist--and the fact that this eternal foe of Jesus Christ has chosen to announce his presence so publicly likely means that 'the rapture,' in which Mr. Bush and millions of other Christians will be summoned skyward. White House officials are said to be concerned by a recent up-tick in the Rapture Ready Index, a self-proclaimed prophetic speedometer of end-time activity that monitors such seemingly disparate factors as the crime rate, unemployment, wild weather and the "mark of the Beast," evidence of activity related to the antichrist. The Rapture Ready Index recently reached 157, the highest it has been since 2004. If President Bush is summoned on 6/06/06 to meet his maker, who among the "left behind" can govern the country? Top White House officials have expressed concern that Cheney's health may make such a transition impossible, especially after the shock of witnessing his boss disappear through the ceiling of the Oval Office. Of course there is always the possibility that the rapture won't happen today, if at all. But millions of Christians, including many of those who make up President Bush's socially-conservative base, say that they're convinced the rapture is imminent. In a recent poll of Christians conducted on, the online counterpart to the popular Left Behind series by Reverend Tim LeHaye, more than 50 percent of respondents said that they expected the rapture to happen any day. If President Bush is raptured today who do you think should lead those left behind?

Debo said...

Hmmm, does this mean that the people in the White House believe that Cheney would be left behind? I'll have to spend some time pondering that......

You can have my TV, but, WHAT CASH??!!

BoyStory said...

Hey biscuit- I wouldn't be so eager about that T.V. either. You know Debo hasn't joined the 21st century yet and still has TUBE T.V. (just teasin' ya' Debo!)

The theory of the date 06-06-06 equating to the "666" Mark-O-'da-Beast was dispelled by theologians prior to the arrival of the date b/c it didn't translate numerically (with the Hebrew) and b/c "666" identifies a person (the Anti-Christ), not a date. So if someone in the White House was really worried about that, they didn't do their research. You don't mean to tell me there are some clueless people in the White House, do you?:P

As for the website, just like I told you last night Debo, I just don't get sending your "left behind" loved ones a comforting message that they have been left behind so prepare for trubulation and to lose your head for Christ or face an eternity of hell-fire....and then adding, but here's how you can gain access to all my worldly goods have a good time.....while it lasts...

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll take boystory's TV instead. If I'm going to go through 400 years of hell on earth (or whatever is supposed to happen to those left behind), I think the least I deserve is a HD flat screen for baseball, Survivor and girl on girl Asian porn.

Debo said...

Do you still want to watch the A's, even after yesterdays game (which Matt was at BTW)?

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was ugly. It was probably the worst game the A's have played in several years. But this is supposed to be a rebuilding year - the fact that they're 29-25 is impressive. By the way, rumors are flying online that they will recall 4 guys from AAA today, including Travis Buck and top prospect Carlos Gonzalez. That would be awesome, especially if Chavez (who came off the DL yesterday) can stay healthy and produce.

BoyStory said...

biscuit, if my hubby isn't one of those left behind, I hereby bequeath my 50" flat screen HDTV to the event of rapture. I'm betting though that you may have to fight my hubby over it....;P Oooor, Option #2 would be joining us in the rapture.... I hear they get REALLY good reception up there for thier live episodes of the NEW "Survivor: The Tribulaton".:)