Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ode to Chimpy

"Zieg Heil to the president gasman, Bombs away is your punishment"(GreenDay)

Okay, here it is, my ode to one of the top three WORST presidents in history:

"I wish that I had never seen,
A president as dumb as thee.
You came to it by hanging chad,
the error made was VERY bad.

No Child Left Behind is his brainchild
All children suffer, really gets me riled.
Literature and math is all he cares they know,
Maybe 'cause proper English has escaped him so!"

I never claimed to be a poet!!!


Anonymous said...

Where is my credit for coming up with the nickname Chimpy? Nice blog and LOVE the Green Day quote. I hope you go after McCain as well. By his own words, he knows nothing about the economy and wants to stay in Iraq for at least 100 years. I know you prefer Hillary, but it is vital a Democrat wins in November. I would change the Chimpy pic to this one:


Debo said...

I don't think it was your brainchild. I typed pictures of chimpy in my search engine, and this is one that came up!!

Debo said...

Alright, is this one better?? :P

Anonymous said...

Very nice. That one is a classic. By the way, there is a newish blog called "Things Younger Than John McCain". Some of my faves are Alaska, the chocolate chip cookie, polio vaccine, McDonalds and Superman. It's fine and fun to go after the current moron, but it's important to keep your eyes on the prize. McCain likes to say he is a maverick, but he is essentially a 3rd Bush term.

BoyStory said...

Ooooh my dear, beloved, [Democrat] cousin-SLASH-BFF! What will thee do after November for a blog, LOL? I may not totally agree with you politically, but IMO the 2nd half your poem was "spot-on" and quite clever (yes, I just went from Amish to British in 10 seconds)....because I CAAAN:).

Congrats on your dishy new blog. Can't wait to follow the highs and lows of our political future as seen through your eyes:)

-Your dear cousin (who is currently without political affiliation)

"Pray for Kings and all in high position" I Timothy 2:2 :)

Debo said...

Can I persuade thee to come join the force with me since you are undecided? Leave the dark side behind! (hee-hee ;P)

Elitist D-bag said...

Hey, this is David. "The gene pool could use a little chlorine" reminds me of a NOFX song. I'll post the lyrics (edited because I know how you Christians get offended by specific letter combinations.)

it's not the right time to be sober
now the idiots have taken over
spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?

Mensa membership conceding
tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding
Watson, it's really elementary
the industrial revolution
has flipped the b**** on evolution
the benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized, what a bummer
the world keeps getting dumber
insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason

darwin's rolling over in his coffin
the fittest are surviving much less often
now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening
someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool
now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule
and i'm starting to feel a lot like charlton heston
stranded on a primate planet
apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground
with generals and the armies that obeyed them
followers following fables
philosophies that enable them to rule without regard

there's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated
political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred
majority rule, don't work in mental institutions
sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions

what are we left with?
a nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists
who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland
pass on traditions
how to get ahead religions
And prosperity via simpleton culture

Also, there's a movie called "Idiocracy" that was produced by Mike Judge (Office Space, King of the Hill) that follows this line of thought. The intelligent people don't want kids, the stupid people have like 20 kids and this guy is basically cryogenically frozen for 500 years to find he's by far the smartest person alive. It's pretty funny.

Intelligent people spend at least half of their lives accommodating stupid people.


Debo said...
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Debo said...

Hmmm, interesting song. I agree with a lot what is says, but not completely.
I do like your last line though. Go to any store and you have to deal with that.
I should have had more kids, like 10, because I'm a genius and my kids are too! I could have helped combat the mass breeding of stupidity.

Debo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BoyStory said...

^^^See there, that's what I was aiming for, but I had to stop at 5 ;).
Very thought-provoking song there (hello David). Quite depressing lyrics- until you sing it to the tune of "Yanky Doodle". I really like the last line too- "intellegent people spend at least half their lives accomodating stupid people."....I smell a new bumper sticker:).

Weeell Deborah, you sound so much like my husband who last night said he thinks Bush may be the Anti-Christ. As I am confident the Anti-Christ will be/is quite intelligent (the Bible says he'll be highly respected) I think hubby's theory is terriby flawed.

IMO the "dark side" IS Washington DC and since our choices are of course limited to that direction, I will succomb one way or the other when..and IF I cast my vote;).

Debo said...

That's awesome that your dh thinks Bush is the anti-christ!! My mom thinks Obama is. Then again, some in my family thought Clinton was.
What is his reasoning for thinking that of Bush?

Debo said...

BoyStory, did you show your dh my blog? I showed my dh, and he was laughing hysterically. He wanted me to send him the link at work, but I told him not everyone would appreciate my point of view.

BoyStory said...

I haven't shown him your blog yet. He'll agree with everything whole-heartedly- except for the "cats being superior" blog- he'll draw the line there (:)). Nooooot a cat person ya' know:)
Remember, my husband is a Teamster from head to toe and Republican's are notoriously anti-Union. He doesn't like Republicans, period- even though he knowingly married one at the time (he wasn't even registered to vote for the 1st decade or so of our marriage). As with you, we actually have very similar political stances, but lean in different directions when it comes time to vote. You know I just can't give up hope that a Supreme Court judge will at least move us closer towards stopping the genecide of the unborn -and as much as I HATE this fact, so far it looks like only a Republican president will put that one their agenda (I know Bush was unsuccessful -b/c he's a weenie). I was Pro-life before I lost the twins, but holding my little ones tore at my heart in a way I can't explain as even in that moment I felt compelled to point out to the doctor how that in this country it is is legal to kill these perfect little babies at that gestation. From that time on my whole value system changed and that "one issue" became my life. Yes, this mom of 5 boys is anti-war and I am unbelievably TICKED that my Republican choice is "G.I. John":(.

As far as my hubby goes, his current complaint against the Rebpulicans is that while they are stating they will become more proactive to "secure the borders", they have opened our borders to Mexican trucks; talking out of both sides of their mouths! As was written in a pertient article:
" the Bush Administration ignores the comfort and safety of ordinary American drivers like me, just follow the money. Big corporations are eager to have their made-in-Mexico-by-cheap-labor products delivered in the United States by Mexican drivers, who are paid 33 to 40 percent less than U.S. truckers"

Mexican drivers are not drug tested nor are they limited to how many hours behind the wheel- which makes for unsafer conditions for us "regulate" Americans who have to share the roads with them.


BoyStory said...

"Rebpulicans"??? Hmmm, maybe a new moderate party I can join;P

Elitist D-bag said...

Hey Sandra,

I understand that being pro-life is your major issue, but I don't understand why you would want to vote for someone that is going to make things worse for your kids. The longer we're in this war the more the education system is going to suffer. The longer we're in this war the more debt future generations are going to have to inherit. The longer we're in this war the more likely one of them is going to be seeing some time in Iraq.

A vote for McCain is a vote against your kids' (and all kids') futures.

I'm surprised nobody in this family is a politician.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the idiot and his never ending occupation, did you know that the war is going to cost us THREE TRILLION DOLLARS? And that is if Obama ends it in late 2009. If McCain wins and keeps our troops there, it will likely approach five trillion.
What is that getting us, exactly? I went to http://3trillion.org/ and went shopping spree to see what all I could buy for 3 trillion dollars.
So far, my cart is only at $1,327,001,000,000.00 and I have bought the following:

- Finish repairing damage done by Hurricane Katrina
- End dependence on foreign oil
- Impeach Bush & Cheney (that was an impulse buy up by the register, it was only a million bucks)
- End third world debt
- New clothing, shoes, coats & school supplies for 10 million children
- End hunger & poverty related diseases

I hope Chimpy chokes on pretzels every day in hell.

Debo said...

I don't think BoyStory supports McCain, and I know she doesn't support Bush.
Yeah, look at biscuit's 3 trillion dollar post. I wonder how much more we are going to spend on this war, yet my kids' school district is facing big cuts again next year (last time was 5 years ago). We do not have anything extra for the above average kids, except the occasional GATE event, and now they are talking about cutting all the music and band programs from the Jr. High.

What could that 3 trillion dollars have done for our education system??

Anonymous said...

God I love Keith Olbermann. Here is an excerpt from tonight's Special Comment on the idiot saying he stopped playing golf out of respect for those who have died in his never ending occupation:

"Mr. President," he was asked, "you haven't been golfing in recent years. Is that related to Iraq?
"Yes," began perhaps the most startling reply of this nightmarish blight on our lives as Americans -- on our history.
"It really is. I don't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the Commander-in-Chief playing golf. I feel I owe it to the families to be as -- to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."
Golf, Sir?
Golf sends the wrong signal to the grieving families of our men and women butchered in Iraq?
Do you think these families, Mr. Bush - their lives blighted forever -- care about you playing golf?
Do you think, Sir, they care about you?
You, Mr. Bush, let their sons and daughters be killed.
Sir, to show your solidarity with them - you gave up golf?
Sir, to show your solidarity with them - you didn't give up your pursuit of this insurance-scam, profiteering, morally and financially bankrupting war.
Sir, to show your solidarity with them - you didn't even give up talking about Iraq - a subject about which you have incessantly proved without pause or backwards glance, that you may literally be the least informed person in the world?
Sir, to show your solidarity with them, you didn't give up... your
4,000 dead Americans and your response... was to stop playing golf!
Not "gulf" - golf.

BoyStory said...

"I'm surprised nobody in this family is a politician"..... I had that same thought today, :).

David, that's why I'm so "disenchanted" (putting it lighly) with this years' election choices. I am quite politically passionate and yet- keeping it real here- each candidate supports an "issue" I am vehemiently against. I agree with everything you said about Mc Cain; his plans in regard to this vile war are scary to say the least. My kids have already been feeling the ripple effect of what's been stolen from our education budget. A few years ago they were attending an awesome school which held the highest API scores in the city. When the budget cuts hit, their school (as it was an "open-enrollment" school) was the first to go. They had to attend (IMO) crappy schools in the interim until I was able to get them into our charter school. Again this year b/c the charter school is still dependent upon state funding, we are deficit of some of our programs. I know kids who live in less affluent areas are suffering the worst; trust me, I am appauled by it. My brother's wife is a school teacher and she tells us horrible stories of the direct fallout from "no child left behind" . McCain could also do damage to my family financially as he would love to see the demise of organised Unions. My family has depended upon Union wages, benefits, and the security it brings for over 14 years.

I've always preached "vote your values" and yet I now find myself robbed of that privelege somehow. Bottom line is I don't WANT to vote for Mc Cain and at this point I just can't fathom doing so. Still I can't be happy about not voting at all.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Quinnipiac just released a new poll today (14 May). Obama beats McCain 49-40, Hillary beats McCain 46-43. The main difference is with independents. Obama wins independents 48-37, while Hillary and McCain tie with independents 41-41.

So much for your "Hillary is more electable argument."

And Edwards just endorsed Obama. Way too late to help, but it's another slap in Hillary's face.

Debo said...

I'm so glad my blog is bringing my family together. :>

Debo said...

Read the last comment left by biscuit about all the innocent Iraqi people killed.
It's very disturbing, and makes me think maybe he's not the Anti-Christ (too dumb), but Satan himself! Or maybe Hitler re-incarnated.

Anonymous said...

Copied from the Clinton thread:

General Tommy Franks once famously said "We don't do body counts of Iraqis". But most international organizations estimate between 600,000 and 1.5 million Iraqis killed as a direct result of the idiot's never ending occupation. Chimpy has the blood of a million dead men, women, children on his hands.

Anonymous said...

So the idiot gave a speech in Israel today criticizing Obama for saying he would sit down with the leaders of our enemies. He said that Obama wanted to negotiate with "terrorists and radicals." Of course, what he fails to realize is that 80% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, with both domestic and foreign policy. So, when Obama suggests we do the opposite of what he's done for the last 8 years, I think Barack will be okay.

In fact, let Chimpy keep talking. His approval rating is 28%. I am continually amazed that McCain won't break the french kiss the two are enjoying long enough to say anything remotely disagreeable about the moron.

I don't even know why Chimpy goes out in public anymore. Nobody likes him, everybody hates him, he should go eat some worms. He must be trying to get another gold medal in the Suck Olympics. Well, Mission Accomplished, a**hole!