Thursday, May 8, 2008

Reasons Bill Clinton was a Great President

President Clinton presided over the longest period of peace-time economic expansion in American history.

The unemployment rate during Clinton's Presidency, especially in the second term, were down to 3.9%, the lowest they'd been in 30 years.

When Bill Clinton became president our country had a 4.7 % GDP deficit, by the end of his second term there was a surplus of 2.4% GDP.

When Bill Clinton's presidency began, the average price of gas was $1.05/gallon. When his presidency ended, the average price of gas was $1.35/gallon.

President Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act in 1993 which required employers to let their employees take unpaid leave for pregnancy, medical problems or to care for ailing family members.

Bill Clinton left office with a 65% approval rating, the highest end of office rating for any President since WWII. Ronald Reagan came in second with a very close 64%. George Bush Sr. left office with just around 40% approval. George Bush Jr., well, he's another whole Blog altogether!!


Anonymous said...

Nice pic of Clinton. Speaking of FMLA, here is a little history on the law.

The FMLA reached its final form in 1991, passing both houses of Congress only to be vetoed by George H. W. Bush, who said the bill would tie the hands of businesses. An attempt to override the veto failed, but Congress re-introduced and passed the bill in 1992, at the height of the presidential campaign, knowing Bush would veto the bill again and leave himself open to charges that he was "anti-family."
After Clinton was inaugurated, he made the Family and Medical Leave Act his first piece of legislation, signing it on the White House lawn on February 5, 1993.

Elitist D-bag said...

Bill Clinton is the primary reason for the moderation of the Democratic Party and the reason that no actual liberal will hold a major position of power for a long, long time.

Debo said...

Maybe, but most people aren't as liberal as you. A candidate who shared your views would never be elected because they are considered extreme. I liked Clinton, and yes, I am moderate, but at least I never voted for Bush! :)

Anonymous said...

You also refused to vote for Kerry, despite living through 4 years of the idiot. Although I do have to give you credit for being opposed to the invasion/occupation from the beginning. I take it you are no longer a 1 issue voter? Because Obama is more opposed to partial birth abortion than Hillary.

Debo said...

Didn't I vote for Kerry? I thought I did? I know I didn't vote for Bush.
Ya know, Bush has not made partial birth abortion illegal, it's just as legal as before. I guess it doesn't matter, democrat or repulican.

And yes, I am, and always have been, opposed to our country setting the precedence of attacking another country without cause. It's a scary thing to start. I mean, who are we to tell a country, "We don't like your leader, so we're going to come attack you and kill him."

How many innocent citizens of Iraq have died at American hands? More than died in the terrorist attacks, I'm sure

Elitist D-bag said...

An extremist is in office right now, just on the other end of the spectrum. Bah, Kucinich in 2012.

Anonymous said...

As I recall, you refused to vote for Kerry (and I tried to convince you to for 3 or 4 months) because he voted against the partial birth abortion ban. I am pleased you now see that other issues like the war, education, environment, economy, health care, etc are important.

And to d-bag: Kucinich 2016.

Debo said...

Well, not health care......(j/k)
But DEFINATELY education and the war. How many innocent have been killed by the war??

Anonymous said...

General Tommy Franks once famously said "We don't do body counts of Iraqis". But most international organizations estimate between 600,000 and 1.5 million Iraqis killed as a direct result of the idiot's never ending occupation. Chimpy has the blood of a million dead men, women, children on his hands.

Debo said...

It makes me feel sick to hear this. Are we trying to wipe out the whole Iraqi population? Innocent men, women and children murdered in the name of what, 3000 people killed by terrorists in our country? Or was it to "save" them from being killed by their OWN dictator?
Apparently our dictator is doing a good job finishing where theirs left off.

Debo said...

Biscuit, leave that info over on the Ode to Chimpy post too.

Anonymous said...

So I just saw Hillary again saying she's in it until the end, and will be the nominee. And this is as good a place as any for me to rant.

Is she stupid, delusional, insane, or what? She has ZERO chance at this nomination. All she is doing is helping McCain. Does she want Obama to lose so she can run again in 2012 and say "I told you he was unelectable"? And who are these stupid people still cheering her on at her rallies? They make me want to smash my head in with a rock they're so stupid.
PLEASE Kentucky and Oregon, end this before I completely lose it. I don't think I can stand her winning another state and declaring to her gullable mathematically challenged monkeys that she's got the "momentum" now.
And while I'm here, can someone explain to me what is wrong with the superdelegates? Can't they end this in one swift motion, like ripping off a Bandaid? All they gotta do is get together in a room, call the media in, pick a guy to stand in front of a microphone and declare "We're all going to pick Obama because Hillary sucks". It's easy. Start an email tree or something and book a dining hall or a hotel and give Wolf Blitzer or Chris Matthews a call.

Debo said...

LOL biscuit, I hope those dang superdelegates read my blog and do what you said!!!

Anonymous said...

Hillary says that Obama can't win in states with "working class whites". Here are the 12 whitest states, and who won.

1. Vermont (Obama)
2. Maine (Obama)
3. New Hampshire (Clinton)
4. Idaho (Obama)
5. West Virginia (Clinton)
6. Iowa (Obama)
7. Wyoming (Obama)
8. Utah (Obama)
9. North Dakota (Obama)
10. Nebraska (Obama)
11. Montana (Obama)
12. Oregon (Obama)

That means that Obama won 10 of the 12 whitest states in the country. Suck on that Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Hillary has officially lost her mind. The only thing that she has accomplished by staying in the race too long and making outrageous comments like this is that I now hate her. We all know Obama is in danger when he is campaigning, why would she say is not quitting because Bobby Kennedy was assassinated 40 years ago? Here is her vile quote:

We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don't understand it," she said, dismissing calls to drop out.

Anonymous said...

As usual, KO says it much better than I ever could. It's a little over 10 minutes, but take the time to watch it.